When The Answer Is No

Inspirational quote

(C) Spiritual Inspiration

When God says no, it just simply means he has better plans away from what you have imagined. It may be painful and difficult, but it will surely refine you.

It may leave you wondering but you have to believe that there is a purpose why He allowed it to happen. Trust that it will shape you and will make you the best version of yourself no matter how it may look vague.

Maybe, as of the moment, you have been undergoing testing and you can’t fathom it. Numerous questions have been bombarding your mind. And as much as you try to decipher your situation, you remain oblivious. Totally clueless.

Though you hardly understand it, you have to put your trust to Him and embrace the fact that He has a perfect and right timing. He will reveal it according to His timetable. It may not be too soon, but definitely He will.

We may both do not know when that right time will knock, but we have to keep our faith no matter what. His timetable is never align to our own time; He has his own. Yet, one thing is for sure, He will allow you to fully grasp it when you are ready enough to handle it.

Inspirational Quote

(C) Spiritual Inspiration

For now, you have to remain still and firm. Stay calm. Trust His time. Take it slow. Believe. Don’t rush; be patient.

Because God surely knows what He is doing. He is moving even you felt He’s not. He takes control even you think He’s not. He loves you.

Remember in 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18“For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long.  Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever.  So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen.  For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.”

Keep in your heart and mind that it is for a purpose. It will not happen just for nothing. It is never in vain and surely it works for your good.

Keep on moving forward. Take your faith higher. Intensify your prayer. Don’t quit. Keep journeying with Him. In His perfect will and time, He will reveal the purpose and you have to be ready. Prepare yourself for He will only show it once he saw your faithfulness and maturity. 

Do not be disappointed. You are in the process. You just don’t know that God is already putting you to the direction He has already planned long before.

His directions will never come in a straight and smooth form; most of the time it is curvy and messy. Nonetheless, despite the twist and turn, all trials and challenges will soon lead to a wonderful destination.

And when you get there, you will finally recognize that it’s not just about the destination, but also about the process you’ve been through.

Keep the faith! Don’t settle. Keep conquering!

Romans 8:12 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.


3 Gifts that Matter on Christmas

When you enter the age of young adulthood, responsibilities will welcome you and your priorities will be eventually adjusted. The things that you thought matters highly on your life will suddenly veer from your top priorities. And these changes will allow you to realize what really matters in life.

Like Christmas, the momentous day where the greatest gift of the Father was born -the day that marks our gratitude and the love we received from Him. Christmas is something that you can’t just remove on the calendar. Christmas for some became an avenue to receive numerous gifts and their wishlist, to finally meet Santa and his elves. It became a day for the kids and even a day for sumptuous feast.

But as you embark your journey as a young adult, you will gradually realize what really matters in life – the authentic gift that can never be equated to all superficial things. That all you received on Christmas day and all your properties and material things are just really meaningless.

I can sum up to the three  most important gifts in our lives that we must not take for granted this Christmas.

1. The Gift of Family

No one can ever replace your mother, father, and your crazy siblings as much as you want to look for other family. You are there for a purpose and this Christmas why not be grateful that you have your family and your relatives.

Christmas means loving and forgiving. If you have been hurt and still have a hard time to forgive, this is the right time to release all the pain and let go. Remember that just like you, your family is never perfect. Your mom and dad make mistakes just like you, but despite that fact, they are still your parents.


GIFT OF FAMILY. Christmas with my relatives. Nothing beats the bond and fun with them

This is the time to be grateful to your family and to give them some token of appreciation. Why not treat them to a spa or in a hotel? Or just have a short but quality vacation. This Christmas let’s not take for granted our loved ones and spend quality time with them.

2. The Gift of Time

In the era where everything can be bought, there is an essential gift that no one can ever buy: the gift of time. It is a gift that no one can steal and turn back. It is the gift the most busy family and individual are in hunger and yearning for.

GIFT OF TIME. A year was added to me and I’m no longer a teenager. Grateful for the gift of time for it makes me have a quality moment with the special people in my life.

This Christmas let’s appreciate the time we spend to our family. The time we spend for ourselves and the time we spend for Him. Let us reflect on our goals, achievements, failures and how it gave us a remarkable lesson in our lives.

There are people out there whose days are already numbered so don’t waste your time living just like yesterday. Take your time to achieve your dreams and to conquer your fear. Go to an extreme adventure that you have never done before!

3. The Gift of Giving

Do not treasure things where moths live. Learn to give. Share how God has blessed you. Give back to your parents who were more than willing to sacrifice just to provide for you and give you the best. Take away that “kuripotology” that stinginess in your inner self. It’s never healthy at all.

GIFT OF GIVING. A treasured moment with the Lola on the Home for the Aged of Anawim Foundations. I greatly learned from all the lolas. I will surely comeback

One of the most priceless reward to receive is when there are people who are grateful for having you because you were able to help them and give to them not just in the means of money but in the means of love, time, advice and motivation.

This Christmas share what you have!

Christmas may be over on the calendar but it’s never too late to appreciate and realize these 3 gifts in your life that you may have overlooked for years. You can still seize these gifts for the true spirit of Christmas is not just on December 25, but it’s on our everyday lives. Like on the lyrics of a Christmas song, Christmas must truly be on our hearts. 





Celebrating Teacher’s Day: My Other Mom

( Note: This article was published at RIghtNow, the online tambayan for YOUth. Check their website! Read here)

Almost eight years ago since we first ever crossed our path. It was the beginning of my blossoming days as a teenager where I still have no idea how to make my succeeding years in high school worthwhile.

Flashback when I was in Science High School, all I thought my existence was about studying hard, working to be on top, and maintaining at least a grade of 85 so I would not get kicked out.

But my four years on my Alma Mater was more than that mainly because I met my other mom who birthed my potentials and shaped me to become who I am now.

Our First Encounter

The photo was taken 3 years ago when I was still High School. (Puberty years. hihi)

I was 14 back then and was in first year high school when we had our initial encounter. I was interested to know her more but couldn’t find the courage to talk to her since she’s known for being straight forward.

Until on the closing of my freshman year, she approached me and told something that would entirely change the way I see myself. I was surprised to know that she’s eyeing me for a student council position as a representative of our batch.

As I got the position, that’s the moment where my other mom trained and stretched me. Sometimes I would get offended whenever she would tell me straightly what’s wrong. But along the process, I get used to it and learned that what she’s been saying is always for my sake.

A gift of love

Whenever we had the chance to have a conversation, it would always mark on me as she allowed me to contemplate in life and be more aggressive to reach my dreams. Her realizations and wisdom she have helped me to become a better version of myself.

That’s why I called her my other mom. She stood as my mom throughout my four years stay in high school and even to my following years in college.

This photo was taken when I was 2nd year college and visited my dearest mom at my Alma Mater 2 years ago. (Still in puberty tho hihi)

This photo was taken when I was 2nd year college and visited my dearest mom at my Alma Mater 2 years ago. (Still in puberty tho hihi)

I remember when I was having a hard time choosing a course for my college. I seek for her advice and she told me to look for my strength which led me in taking a communication course. Despite my doubts of taking communication course for fear that I’ll have a hard time to look for job, I still followed her advice.

Mommy Rogs
Mommy Rogs

And now as I take my last year in college as a communication major, I never had any regret that I listened to her. Not only I was able to maximize my interpersonal skills but also I discovered other things in me that I didn’t know I could do. It paid off definitely.

In few months, I’ll be entering my adulthood as I bid goodbye to my last year as a teenager. And I’m thankful that she was there to guide me and help me make the most out of my youth.

I would always remain grateful to her for everything she has done in my life. Though we aren’t seeing each other on a daily basis, our hearts have been connected no matter what distance have set us apart. Her presence had a significant role of metamorphosing me as a woman with her wisdom and beliefs in life that she indulged to me.

Miles Apart

Sometimes there are changes – no matter how difficult to deal – that must need to be embraced. My recent visit to my Alma Mater allowed me to realize such idea. That was the time I heard straight from my other mom that she’ll be leaving abroad to be with her family and for her teaching career.

With the idea that she’s already abroad, I had mixed emotions. Sad in a way that we could no longer hangout and set a date in times that we badly needed to, but on a positive note, it’s another chapter of her life where she could learn another life values to be definitely shared on us.

I could still not contain how much I’m pleased to come to know my other mom. I’m most overwhelmed how she had prayed for my life to be on the path that I was designed for and for planting me a vision to reach out other people. I thank God for sending someone like her in my life.

See you again, Nay! By the way, she’s Ms. Maria Luz Rogacion.

This is just my simple way to show my gratitude Nay Rogs. This may not tantamount to all the things you have done to me but I hope I was able to show my heart to you. Happy teacher’s day!

“Wag Kang Magmadali”

(c) careerchronicles.com

What will be your take when your plans don’t happen according to what you expected?

Would you get frustrated?
Would you change your plans?
Or would you wait for the right time and just do your best now?

One of the authors that I look up to give me a piece of advice, “Wag kang magmadali.”

Oops!!! Hindi ‘to tungkol sa lovelife; usapang passion ‘to. We’re talking about our passion: writing.

Sometimes I felt jittery whenever life’s aspiration would blow my mind. As much as you avoid to contemplate about it – the idea if it will come true or not – just suddenly snaps on your thinking, trying to shake your beliefs by injecting dramas to trigger your emotion and worries of life. Have you ever experienced situation like this? ( Nakaka-praning ‘diba?)

(c) media.newindianexpress.com

But looking on the bigger picture, it’s just a test of character. Would you still pursue your aspiration despite all odds? Or would you just give in? 

Conquering your dreams is a challenge – a tough road to journey ahead but most fulfilling destination to reach by. Success never meant an easy road. It doesn’t just take your talent but it requires character and a lot of passion.

Going back to what stated above. Sir Ronald Molmisa, author behind the successful lovestruck series, reminded me, “Wag kang magmadali,” during our short but meaningful conversation we had at the OMF Lit Book Launching last month. (Read: #MOVINGREADS OMF LITERATURE LAUNCHES NEW BOOKS)

(c) Sir Edwin Arceo. Ps. Ronald Molmisa on the right part, Ate Madz of bettercurly.blogspot.com on the left, and I’m on the middle during the OMF Lit book launching at Privato Hotel

That advice refueled my passion in writing. (Oo nga Amae, Kalma lang. Relax ka lang. ‘Wag Praning)  I realized that I still have long way to go. (Sabi nga ng matatanda, marami pa akong kakain na bigas) There are numerous of opportunities that will knock my way. What I need to do is to keep my life’s aspiration, give my best, and remain positive whenever situations or people would question my capabilities. 

(c) http://www.eslprintables.com

What was written on my high school memorabilia, “to be an author/lawyer” will certainly happen (I claim it, with the help from above) but what I need to do today is to focus on things that will lead me there.

      There’s no reason to be afraid; I just need to do my thing. Give my very best, excel, and keep my fire and passion burning until it can set flame to other people too. 

“Wag kang magmadali” Sir Molmisa keeps on telling me. He first published his book when he was 32. And I look back, “Oh I’m still 19”.

Sometimes you will really encounter people who will fuel your heart for your dreams. Having people around you who have the same passion  drives you to keep going and beat whatever impossibilities that will bump your destination. 

It’s not enough that you have the skills. You need A LOT OF CHARACTER. When I say a lot, it means a lot. You need a steady stream of patience, passion, energy, persistence, and of course your faith. 

I don’t know what’s ahead of me. But what matters is your preparation to all the twist and turn that you hardly expected. Just months away, I’ll be joining the work force and the chaotic world of reality. I know the road wouldn’t be easy, but I believe I can surpass everything. 

 “Wag kang magmadali!” Just enjoy your journey and give the best that you have. 

Nomination and Realization #bloggys2015


I just made a Facebook status recently about my nomination on the Philippine Blogging Awards #bloggys2015 and I was flabbergasted  how people reacted. Mainly because their comments sound like I’ve already won. (Why not? Nothing is impossible at all.)

Thanks to an unending support from my friends. I just felt that I won already. :)

Thanks to the unending support from my friends. I just felt that I  already won . 🙂

Looking at the #bloggys2005 Hall of Fame under my category personal/diary, I found out that I was up against established bloggers (Feeling underdog here. hihi) But no matter what, I will be attending the most awaited #bloggys2005 gala night on November 21 at SMX, SM Aura.  See you there!

I was also reminded by a very good friend as we chatted after reading my Facebook status that I’ve been running my blog for so long, “2011 pa pala blog mo” she noted. And that comment made me nostalgic for awhile. (quite dramatic. hihi)

Flashback when I started blogging, I think blogging doesn’t ring a bell yet that time. It was actually my personal diary composed of rants, complaints, and all negativity surrounding me. If you will spend your time stalking my blog back 2011, you will see what I mean. 

But turn 2015, my blogging life has blossomed. No more maligning or freaking post whatsoever. It already found its voice and purpose. 

So what blogging has taught me? 

  1. Keep your passion burning
    When all else fades and time limits you to do things, the fire flaming in your heart will push and motivate you to put an extra mile. Being skillful isn’t enough, you have to have that burning passion and the answer to why so that in the end you won’t return empty and meaningless.
  2. Find your voice and have an advocacy

    I am here to inspire and do AMAEzing things 🙂

    There should be meaning in everything that you are doing no matter how small it is. Your writings are useless if you don’t challenge and influence someone to do something, and if people don’t get affected on it. You have to make sure that your message that you want to send was received by your readers.

  3. Meeting new people is priceless

    I met my cyber mom/co-blogger all the way from London through blogging. Here is the Christmas letter she sent to me a year ago. Sweet 🙂

    Meeting new people 🙂

    What’s more fun and wonderful than meeting new people? You’ve got to learn from their experience and they will help you contemplate on life and other matters. Usually, I come to meet people older than me. Their experience are beyond what I have that’s why their pieces of advice are such treasure to keep. Perhaps this is the reason why people tend to tell me that I have an old soul. 

  4. Your life itself is a blog worth sharing
    Tell your stories. Some people tend to look for other stories to inspire others where in fact their life itself is already worth sharing. You may feel that your story isn’t worth sharing, but trust me, you will never know who you are inspiring. 
  5. Love and enjoy what you are doing
    When you love and enjoy what you are doing, it will always manifest on the product/result. Don’t do something just because a lot of people are doing it or just because it is the trend. Do something out of love and conviction. 

I won’t maintain something for more than four years if I don’t love and enjoy it. Blogging has taught me a lot and I love it. So to all who are reading this post, I encourage you to find your passion as well and inspire other people. If you found it already, then congratulations! Hone it and share it. 

Right Response to Your Situation

Perhaps one of the throbbing ideas to know is when someone close to you have something against you. But still, glad I made a right response.

I could have confronted the person. I could have easily hold grudges and maligned that individual. I could have said bad and below the belt words. I could do it if I wanted to. But at the end, God reminded me on James 4:1 – What causes fight and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? He told me, “Hey calm down, don’t fight the wrong battle. It’s under My control.”

I realized that life is no longer about me but it’s all about Him.  It’s not about my feelings or emotions anymore or me being hurt.  It’s no longer me living in my body but it is Christ who lives in me (Galatians 2:20). Though I was hurt knowing that someone had a wrong motive to do such action, I chose to have a right response.

If we really understand what Christ did on the Cross, we will understand how easy to forgive someone who have offended us. You might be hurt because someone betrayed or maligned you. Still, we will forgive no matter how they have wounded us. Besides, holding grudges will never do something good in our lives. In fact, it is unhealthy.

Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back. Isaiah 38:17

We have to have that DECISION to just move forward and forget everything. Every testing will shape our character and will give us lessons that will help us to be mature enough to handle other situations of our lives.

Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it.  There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you–who are you to judge your neighbor? – James 4:11-12

There’s no reason to fight back for we don’t fight the wrong battle, we only fight the good fight of faith. Thus, we have to learn to repay evil with good even how it was hard at the start. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.– 1 Peter 3:9. We won’t allow that such stubborn action will disqualify us to inherit the abundant blessings from God.

At the end, let the love of Christ overflows on our lives. His greatest commandment will always prevail, love each other as I have loved you – John 15:12. We have to learn to move forward for we know that our relationship with one another matters to God.

Life Lessons from Wearing Braces

Sometimes you will learn life lessons in the hard way… even if it means literally.

It’s been 1.5 years since I started wearing braces. At first, there is an overflowing excitement on your heart to the idea that you can wear your best smile once the process is done. However, on the middle of the process, those excitements can turn to strain of going back to your dentist religiously after embracing the pain afterwards.

This is the reason why I come up with this post. Here’s what I learned from years of wearing braces.

1. Negligence is costly

 … and sometimes hurtful to the pocket. Haha. I learned this in a painful – literally – way after missing my three dental appointments consecutively. And due to my inconsistency, my front teeth became overly adjusted which means extending the pain of the process.

Prevention is precisely better than cure. If you don’t want to suffer extremely, then learn to do your responsibility.

2. Always consult the expert

Don’t try to solve the problem on your own. You need someone’s help. You can never overlook the expert’s experience gained over years. They see something beyond what you can see.

3. Be proactive

Don’t wait to make things worst; find ways to solve it immediately. Like for people who are wearing braces, don’t wait to feel the pain before seeing your dentist!

4. Be consistent

For you to get a good result, you need consistency. All your effort will turn into waste if your keep that bad habit of missing your appointment. In short, say no to inconsistency.

5. Learn to deal with pain

Pain is subjective and you have to learn to deal with it for it is inevitable. We all undergo pain and suffering, it just the matter of choosing the right response. Remember, no pain no gain. Just bear in mind that those pain will soon yield to a good fruit.


Why You Need to Hone Your Writing Skills


You are rushing a presentation that is due tomorrow morning. And your colleague sent you the most important data needed for the success of the presentation. But you were greatly surprised upon checking the document on your e-mail. There is an enormous problem… it was poorly written. The grammar is just so unbearable consisting lengthy paragraphs and misspelled words.

You almost want to throw yourself knowing that there are just few hours left to beat the deadline. You can’t complain at all and put the blame to your colleague. At the end, you have to painstakingly understand the data.

How many times have you experienced and suffered from this kind of scenario? Or closely to that scenario stated above? How many times do you have to suffer from a poorly written report, researchers or memos?

These poorly written outputs are the cause of delay and productivity to the workplace. It tends to consume our time correcting the errors before sending to our immediate supervisors.  These kinds of mishaps can be prevented ahead of time… Only if the person guilty of committing these errors would have the willingness to hone his writing skills.

According to Grammarly – the world’s leading automated proofreader – on their recent survey, an individual with stronger writing skills works better and gets more paid.

The result came from their assessment on Elance, an online staffing platform, reviewing over 448 freelance professionals’ profiles in eight categories – writing and translation, admin support, legal, design & multimedia, engineering & manufacturing, sales & marketing, finance & management, and IT & programming.

They found out that people with better writing skills make fewer mistakes and these people highly stand out on their job.

Your writing skills matters. It maybe belittled sometimes but this skill is essential on your career. From simple research, data, report or write up on your work, you highly need the dose of this skill.

And good fact is that it’s never too late to hone your writing skills. Don’t get frustrated if you felt that you are not good enough. Remember, skills can be learned if only you desire and you are willing to. Here are  3 practical tips on how you can improve your writing skills:

1. Write!

A writer is a writer not because he is good but simply because he writes. You can never hone it until you start trying it. Blank document maybe intimidating at times but the only way to hone your skills is to put words until it form a sentence and a paragraph in a blank sheet. That is your task  – to fill the empty documents with words correctly.

2. Refresh your mind with the basic

 Writing is the first step but writing it RIGHT is the next step.If you want to hone your skill, you should be humble enough to admit that you need to go back to the basic and refresh yourself with the basic grammar rules – the difference between “you” and “you’re” or between “it’s and “its”. You have to keep on relearning these rules so you can eventually master it.

3. Read

Reading widens your knowledge; it expands your vocabulary. You have to love reading for you to enhance your writing skill. How would you learn the format, technicalities, and other important matters to hone your skill if you will not push yourself to read it?

Honing your skill is not an overnight process but it takes a steady stream of perseverance. So be patient enough to improve your writing skills for your writing skills matters!

5 Values You Will Learn From Blogging

It all started once upon a time…

There was an insecure writer who wanted to escape from all criticisms – closely from all the Grammar Nazis found on her Facebook friends. She was afraid to post even a single note fearing that she could receive judgment concerning her writing style or her usage of grammar. So instead of posting on her Facebook Profile, she searched for other platform where she could clearly express her thoughts and experience the freedom that she wanted.  Upon looking, there she found her majestic palace: WordPress, the place where she embraced the joy and peace of being a writer.

And now, four solid years have passed. Wow. I could never imagine reaching this far. Though I have that inconsistency every now and then, I still managed to make it. Honestly, I came to a point of deleting my account. Of course, it was due to my drowning insecurity – sign of my immaturity before – within me. Anyway, I’m over with that issue. 🙂

This is how I went through. Allow me to share what helped me from my four years of journey in blogging

4th yr

1. Never bother what people will think of you

 People will always have something to say. And you can never control that fact to be in favor upon you. I just told you, I’m an insecure writer before who used to reason out that she’s not good enough.  For that reason, I made my initial blogging a top-secret to my friends even to my closest. Almost no one knew that I’m writing and posting some stuff here. I remember a friend of mine for years just discovered my blog last year. She expressed in surprise, “Amae, bakit hindi mo sa akin sinabi na my blog ka pala?” (Amae, why didn’t you tell that you have a blog?) I was just laughing when I heard that to my friend so it showed how effective I am to keep my blog away from them. Haha.

 We can never really please people at all – cliché as it sounds – but we need to be reminded about that. Some people will never understand the cause that you are joining or the things that you are doing. After all, do their opinions matter? What really matters is that you love your craft. That’s it.

When I was able to understand this, I began to have a new mindset regarding blogging. From being insecure and fearful, I became bolder to stand with the message that I’ve been sharing on my blog. I need to face my fear and accept my weakness or else I’ll just stumble.

 So you have to remember, fear is always there – fear of acceptance, rejection, criticism from people or what. What you need to do is just face it because there is no way for you to run away with it; you have to deal with it.

2. You should know your purpose

 What is my purpose in blogging? The answer to that question should be bigger and founded so that when busyness, timidity, and other problems come, you can still manage to maintain your blog.

 There are times that I really don’t feel to write. But I still need to write. I have to fight over that feeling because it would affect me badly if I didn’t overcome it. There are times that I can’t find time to blog, yet I would keep on blogging. That is because of the purpose. The reason why I continue blogging for years.

My purpose is to inspire people and send hope to them, telling them that hey! Life is not miserable and pointless at all that there’s always hope above there which is always available to everyone.

3. You will never know who you are inspiring

 There will come a time that you will feel like nothing is really happening. But you need not to buy on that idea. It’s just a trap that will stop you from doing what you love. You have to continue no matter what because you will never know who you are inspiring.

 I remember I was away from blogging for weeks when I received e-mails saying that they were inspired on my blog and they were asking me when will I have my next blog post. So after reading those messages, I immediately turned my laptop and contemplated for my next blog topic.

In reality, you can’t really afford to ignore or neglect something when you know that what you are doing is a great help and inspiration booster to a lot of people.

4. Never neglect the power of social media

Don’t underestimate the power of social media. It can change hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people out there. We need to maximize the social media to create that difference and change that we wanted to see.

Blogging is just another way to maximize the social media. If you are planning to, it would be better to carry out that plan and start inspiring other people through your writings and your personal story. 

Here is my favorite video where globe tattoo illustrated how powerful social media is

 5. Keep sharing love and hope

A lot of people are hungry with love and hope. And As I received that kind of love and hope from God, this one of my way to share this to everyone. Don’t be selfish. Share it! Help me my fellow bloggers to saturate the social media with His love. Let’s proclaim His name.


To end this post, I would just like to thank EVERYONE (for I cannot mention you all) who made my life more meaningful for if not I could not post any interesting/inspiring/helpful topic. Thank you for those who have been visiting my blog despite of my inconsistency. Hihi.

 Cheers for more years of my blog. I’m planning to gear up my blog. Hope you could help me too with my layout. Hoho

All glory belongs to Him. God bless!

What I learned from Waiting Patiently

And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised – Hebrews 6:15

Abraham waited for so long to have a son. He endured every suffering throughout his journey to receive the promise of God. And despite of impossibilities, he believed the Lord, and it was credited to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6). God saw his faith and character that is why he obtained the promise.

Sometimes time will test you. Will you keep on waiting or will you just settle for less? I could have settled for less. But because I have known God throughout good and bad season, I remained to cling on His promises – knowing that He cannot lie and His promises will soon be fulfilled on His perfect and beautiful time.

Some people have decided to compromise because they think that waiting just increases their agony. In times that they have no idea what will happen next, they settle for less. What waiting patiently has taught me is that to deepen my faith in times that I don’t know what future is ahead of me. I just embrace the idea that God has best and amazing plans for me (Jeremiah 29:11). Waiting patiently stretches my faith as I continue to believe on what I do not see.

Now faith is the confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (Hebrews 11:1). Even there’s small distracting voice trying to make you worry, your faith will encourage you to believe and trust on Him. You will be reminded that you have a big and awesome God who would fulfill His promises on our lives.

Waiting for something or someone is just another testing to surpass. It may be painful, but at the end it will be all worth it. The process of waiting will build your character and will deepen your relationship to Him.

While waiting, just do your best in all areas of your life for the glory of God. Work with all your heart for you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is Christ you are serving. (Colossians 3:23-24). Focus on what God wants you to do and keep your trust on Him for the latter will always be greater than the former.

And whatever will happen on your life, it’s always according to the His plan. Be the best that God wants you to be while you are waiting patiently