Just one drop of Your blood

Just one drop of your blood 
took away sin
and gave sight


Nostalgia hits me the moment I heard this song of Soulfire Revolution during the G12 Philippine National Conference: Breath of Life.

It has taken me aback to how I started this Journey of knowing and growing with His Love. I just can hardly imagine myself without being rooted with His foundation.

If no one had the courage to enter our classroom and shared the gospel, I wonder where would I be right now? Perhaps I was the same girl who’d use the blogging world to burst out her anger. Or I would be cool girl who’d go out with her friends till sunrise. Or at the very least, I had my first boyfriend.

Glad I was saved at my young age. I’m glad I decided to say yes with Him. Looking back, I never had any glint of regret with my decision.

I thought having a relationship with Him is just about attending sermons, reading the bible, knowing the truth, etc. But I was certainly wrong. Having a relationship with Him means connecting with the people who are passionate with the cause.

And I’m blessed to find such great and loving people. They are the type of people who’d care your totality, from all aspect, who’d make you excellent and better.

My second family 🙂

So I would be forever grateful that I found the light in His name. I was set free from all the bondage that set me apart from Him. I am healed.

If you are reading this right now, and you really don’t know Him. If you’re still finding your footing, still searching for the truth, this is the right time. It just takes your decision. Are you willing to accept Him or not? There is a place deep down on your heart that no one or anything can ever fill, only God. Don’t hesitate to come on Him, no matter what you’ve done, even if you think you’re the bad and dirtiest person on earth, He still loves you. He doesn’t have any reason to love you less. He just loves you unconditionally.

I thank You for the life You gave
You took all my guilt and shame


Sticking to my Passion

Hi readers and blogger friends! How are you? I have lots of pending posts lately and still hoping that I can have time to post everything here. I need to stretch myself and get back with my usual routine. Tasks get tougher and tougher which excites me to push myself more. Well, I’m just embracing the grind. Anyway, no matter what, I’ll compel myself to post everything here. I can’t afford not to share about how my life went to the next level just for half a month. Hope you’re still there. God bless! 🙂

Write more!

If you want to improve your writing skill,  write everyday.

Write everything under the sun. Write what you want. Don’t restrict yourself on certain things. Explore new topics. Widen your imagination. Write unique experiences, don’t forget to include your embarrassing and unforgettable moments. Don’t be afraid to share your story! Write it down. Inspire others! And trust me, your story is powerful; it can change lives.

Still there?

Knock! Knock! Are you still there? I never thought that I would take this break for so long from blogging. It’s been months since I last updated my blog. Perhaps, you’re kinda used with my excuse that I’m piled up with lot of things.  But as my semester ends, I’ll surely be back with my routine. I have a lot to tell. As in a lot. These past few months have been a great experience for me as a student and  I am excited to put this story and share it here. 🙂

I am a campus revolutionary. If I could change my campus, then I could change the world.