I Just Moved to my Self-Hosted Site



After 6 years of blogging here, I finally moved to my self-hosted site www.heramazingstory.com. Moving to my own site has been my goal ever since I started blogging. (Read the story here) But for some reason, I wasn’t able to achieve it until last month I had the courage to pursue having my own site. I believe this move is kinda challenging at first since I decided to have my new domain name which is her amazing storyThat means I have to work extra hard to crawl my new site on search engines and to build my readers again. 

I am currently using wordpress.org for my site and it’s also quite different from wordpress.com. So I’m still learning it. Anyway, to all my loyal readers and my community here, I hope you could support me as I moved to an improved platform. Don’t worry, I decided not to delete my account here even I moved some of my posts here to my new site. 

I just can’t delete this site that brought so much memories, friendship, experience, and most of all the site that help me find what I really love to do for the rest of my life. I’m getting nostalgic already. Thank you for the love everyone. I’m so grateful that I met the best and crazy people here that turned to be my mentor, constant cyber friends, and supporters. I couldn’t mention all of you but you know who you are. 

As corny or dramatic as it sounds, I have to be honest that I got emotional as I peruse my previous stories I posted years ago. I was full of vigor and energy to change and impact the world. Well, it hasn’t changed up until now. But I can see all my wordpress family supporting me through their encouraging comments. I recalled that I posted of being so emotional because I haven’t found any inspiration or push to write again, then bulk of comments came uplifting me to just write. I was 16 back then and all my wordpress followers were encouraging me. 

Indeed, Thank you so much for the overwhelming support. (If you have the luxury of time, you can check my previous posts and see and laugh) I also have my facebook page already, I hope you could view it as well and like it. Like it here (www.facebook.com/heramazingstory)

Much love from Amae! 🙂

3 Gifts that Matter on Christmas

When you enter the age of young adulthood, responsibilities will welcome you and your priorities will be eventually adjusted. The things that you thought matters highly on your life will suddenly veer from your top priorities. And these changes will allow you to realize what really matters in life.

Like Christmas, the momentous day where the greatest gift of the Father was born -the day that marks our gratitude and the love we received from Him. Christmas is something that you can’t just remove on the calendar. Christmas for some became an avenue to receive numerous gifts and their wishlist, to finally meet Santa and his elves. It became a day for the kids and even a day for sumptuous feast.

But as you embark your journey as a young adult, you will gradually realize what really matters in life – the authentic gift that can never be equated to all superficial things. That all you received on Christmas day and all your properties and material things are just really meaningless.

I can sum up to the three  most important gifts in our lives that we must not take for granted this Christmas.

1. The Gift of Family

No one can ever replace your mother, father, and your crazy siblings as much as you want to look for other family. You are there for a purpose and this Christmas why not be grateful that you have your family and your relatives.

Christmas means loving and forgiving. If you have been hurt and still have a hard time to forgive, this is the right time to release all the pain and let go. Remember that just like you, your family is never perfect. Your mom and dad make mistakes just like you, but despite that fact, they are still your parents.


GIFT OF FAMILY. Christmas with my relatives. Nothing beats the bond and fun with them

This is the time to be grateful to your family and to give them some token of appreciation. Why not treat them to a spa or in a hotel? Or just have a short but quality vacation. This Christmas let’s not take for granted our loved ones and spend quality time with them.

2. The Gift of Time

In the era where everything can be bought, there is an essential gift that no one can ever buy: the gift of time. It is a gift that no one can steal and turn back. It is the gift the most busy family and individual are in hunger and yearning for.

GIFT OF TIME. A year was added to me and I’m no longer a teenager. Grateful for the gift of time for it makes me have a quality moment with the special people in my life.

This Christmas let’s appreciate the time we spend to our family. The time we spend for ourselves and the time we spend for Him. Let us reflect on our goals, achievements, failures and how it gave us a remarkable lesson in our lives.

There are people out there whose days are already numbered so don’t waste your time living just like yesterday. Take your time to achieve your dreams and to conquer your fear. Go to an extreme adventure that you have never done before!

3. The Gift of Giving

Do not treasure things where moths live. Learn to give. Share how God has blessed you. Give back to your parents who were more than willing to sacrifice just to provide for you and give you the best. Take away that “kuripotology” that stinginess in your inner self. It’s never healthy at all.

GIFT OF GIVING. A treasured moment with the Lola on the Home for the Aged of Anawim Foundations. I greatly learned from all the lolas. I will surely comeback

One of the most priceless reward to receive is when there are people who are grateful for having you because you were able to help them and give to them not just in the means of money but in the means of love, time, advice and motivation.

This Christmas share what you have!

Christmas may be over on the calendar but it’s never too late to appreciate and realize these 3 gifts in your life that you may have overlooked for years. You can still seize these gifts for the true spirit of Christmas is not just on December 25, but it’s on our everyday lives. Like on the lyrics of a Christmas song, Christmas must truly be on our hearts. 





Her amazing journey: Road to 20


        From a little caterpillar to a full-blown butterfly, your amazing blogger turned 20! I’m nostalgic in a way realizing how time flies. Now that I’m out of teenage years, I am overjoyed to say that I had the best teenage years.

One thing I’m thankful on my road to 20 is that I succeeded to face my fear and intimidation. Without conquering it, I would not be able to meet amazing and best people who mentored me and encouraged me to unleash my potentials.

To all the teenager and young at heart out there, don’t be afraid to try something new. Pursue your passion and fight for your dreams. Never look down on yourself just because you are young. 


These are the things I learned and made my 20 years of existence more meaningful.

1.  Meet new people and learn from their experience

Never get intimidated to start a conversation to people you just met for the first time. Know their stories and learn from them. 

Whenever I attend an event, I’m usually part of the young people or sometimes I’m the youngest on the audience. Naturally, it’s intimidating to talk with professional people knowing their  expertise. But along the process, I managed to overcome my  intimidation and was able to talk with successful people from  different fields. Who would have taught that I can have a constant communication with CEOs? I never even imagined it. The only key is to have that innocence. Just be genuine and makesure you are really enjoying the conversation.

Sometimes it’s good to be innocent or clueless about the background of the people you are talking with. There was the time that I didn’t know I was talking to the bassist of Eraserheads and I only found out that he was the bassist when I googled his name at home.

Meeting new people is always amazing. You learned a lot from them and you learn from their mistakes. So you need to take  away  that fear and appreciate the beauty of each other’s stories

A year ago, I have a huge gratitude to Light Network for discovering my blog which led me to seize more opportunities

Meaningful conversation with the OMF authors! They are one of my inspirations in writing

My internship family at Manila Bulletin – Balita  during my mentor’s birthday celebration

Meeting new people from our neighboring countries! Some delegates of 42nd Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) during their visit at Gawad Kalinga Payatas Community.

2. Experience extreme adventure

Come out from your comfort zone! Try something new and  extreme. Though it will cost your physical strength, it will all be worth it at the end. Don’t limit yourself. Sometimes you’ll never  know that you can do it until you do it. Go hiking, snorkeling, bungee jumping, eat local. Perhaps, life is too short for you not to enjoy it.

 I always love to challenge myself that’s why I love to go extreme  adventure. Besides, nobody wants a dull life! Just like recently I went hiking with friends. Read it (here) 

I just touched the sky! Hiking at Mt. Balagbag, Licao Licao Bulacan

3. Go out alone
Contemplate about your life. Go out alone and go to a serene place. Think about your dreams and goals and write about it. It’s essential that you pause sometimes and regenerate your energy so you can be more focused after evaluating everything.

Going out alone is my favorite rejuvenating time. I usually go to milktea house just pondering and writing about life.  It’s like a relief to me whenever I remind myself with my goals, dreams and things that I should be grateful for.

Me time at my fave milktea house: Serenitea!

4. Take Risk and Face your Fear

 If you know how amazing your destination, you will never have second thoughts to take risk. You will face your fear no matter how it looks difficult for you know that your dreams are at stake.

Whenever I managed to face my fear and take risk, I always bear  in mind that I’m getting closer to my dreams and to my mind-blowing destination.

I was able to conquer the crowd and was able to share my love for writing.

Metamorphosing to a wonderful butterfly is extremely amazing. There may be pain and challenges along the road, but all these circumstances made my road to 20 more meaningful. It made me more equipped to face more challenges.

I’m heading towards my transition from being a student to a young professional – making myself ready for the big leap. Thank you  everyone for being part of my amazing journey. For more amazing years to come!



Nomination and Realization #bloggys2015


I just made a Facebook status recently about my nomination on the Philippine Blogging Awards #bloggys2015 and I was flabbergasted  how people reacted. Mainly because their comments sound like I’ve already won. (Why not? Nothing is impossible at all.)

Thanks to an unending support from my friends. I just felt that I won already. :)

Thanks to the unending support from my friends. I just felt that I  already won . 🙂

Looking at the #bloggys2005 Hall of Fame under my category personal/diary, I found out that I was up against established bloggers (Feeling underdog here. hihi) But no matter what, I will be attending the most awaited #bloggys2005 gala night on November 21 at SMX, SM Aura.  See you there!

I was also reminded by a very good friend as we chatted after reading my Facebook status that I’ve been running my blog for so long, “2011 pa pala blog mo” she noted. And that comment made me nostalgic for awhile. (quite dramatic. hihi)

Flashback when I started blogging, I think blogging doesn’t ring a bell yet that time. It was actually my personal diary composed of rants, complaints, and all negativity surrounding me. If you will spend your time stalking my blog back 2011, you will see what I mean. 

But turn 2015, my blogging life has blossomed. No more maligning or freaking post whatsoever. It already found its voice and purpose. 

So what blogging has taught me? 

  1. Keep your passion burning
    When all else fades and time limits you to do things, the fire flaming in your heart will push and motivate you to put an extra mile. Being skillful isn’t enough, you have to have that burning passion and the answer to why so that in the end you won’t return empty and meaningless.
  2. Find your voice and have an advocacy

    I am here to inspire and do AMAEzing things 🙂

    There should be meaning in everything that you are doing no matter how small it is. Your writings are useless if you don’t challenge and influence someone to do something, and if people don’t get affected on it. You have to make sure that your message that you want to send was received by your readers.

  3. Meeting new people is priceless

    I met my cyber mom/co-blogger all the way from London through blogging. Here is the Christmas letter she sent to me a year ago. Sweet 🙂

    Meeting new people 🙂

    What’s more fun and wonderful than meeting new people? You’ve got to learn from their experience and they will help you contemplate on life and other matters. Usually, I come to meet people older than me. Their experience are beyond what I have that’s why their pieces of advice are such treasure to keep. Perhaps this is the reason why people tend to tell me that I have an old soul. 

  4. Your life itself is a blog worth sharing
    Tell your stories. Some people tend to look for other stories to inspire others where in fact their life itself is already worth sharing. You may feel that your story isn’t worth sharing, but trust me, you will never know who you are inspiring. 
  5. Love and enjoy what you are doing
    When you love and enjoy what you are doing, it will always manifest on the product/result. Don’t do something just because a lot of people are doing it or just because it is the trend. Do something out of love and conviction. 

I won’t maintain something for more than four years if I don’t love and enjoy it. Blogging has taught me a lot and I love it. So to all who are reading this post, I encourage you to find your passion as well and inspire other people. If you found it already, then congratulations! Hone it and share it. 

Life Lessons from Wearing Braces

Sometimes you will learn life lessons in the hard way… even if it means literally.

It’s been 1.5 years since I started wearing braces. At first, there is an overflowing excitement on your heart to the idea that you can wear your best smile once the process is done. However, on the middle of the process, those excitements can turn to strain of going back to your dentist religiously after embracing the pain afterwards.

This is the reason why I come up with this post. Here’s what I learned from years of wearing braces.

1. Negligence is costly

 … and sometimes hurtful to the pocket. Haha. I learned this in a painful – literally – way after missing my three dental appointments consecutively. And due to my inconsistency, my front teeth became overly adjusted which means extending the pain of the process.

Prevention is precisely better than cure. If you don’t want to suffer extremely, then learn to do your responsibility.

2. Always consult the expert

Don’t try to solve the problem on your own. You need someone’s help. You can never overlook the expert’s experience gained over years. They see something beyond what you can see.

3. Be proactive

Don’t wait to make things worst; find ways to solve it immediately. Like for people who are wearing braces, don’t wait to feel the pain before seeing your dentist!

4. Be consistent

For you to get a good result, you need consistency. All your effort will turn into waste if your keep that bad habit of missing your appointment. In short, say no to inconsistency.

5. Learn to deal with pain

Pain is subjective and you have to learn to deal with it for it is inevitable. We all undergo pain and suffering, it just the matter of choosing the right response. Remember, no pain no gain. Just bear in mind that those pain will soon yield to a good fruit.


What’s New?

You might think I’m on a hiatus all over again. So what’s new? You can check this amazing and encouraging website – The Praying Woman, a Christian lifestyle blog which empowers, encourages every woman on their walk with Christ. If you want to get some motivation and inspirational boost, don’t forget to check this out! 

It such a joy to be an instrument to share the love of God to the thousands of women. Here are some of my articles:

You can also check the article of Bernna, a blogger from WordPress as well and the young woman I’m mentoring:

There’s also a website designed for family and couples called – The Praying Couple. Feel free to visit their website. 

I encourage every woman out to send some articles and be a guest blogger on these website. You will never know who you are inspiring!

God bless! 

Things I learned from 2014

We all shared memorable situations that have struck our lives. Here are some of the things I learned from 2014:

1. Age is just a number; dare to stand out
Whether you are young, teenager, adult, or on your ending years, it does not matter at all. Your age is never an excuse for you to reach your goals. It will never dictate who you are. Only your maturity will dictate your level of growth and competence. So take risk and dare to be the best.

2. Don’t look down on yourself; believe on your capabilities

There is no reason for you to compare yourself from the others. Some people are just really better than you. But that’s not the reason to look down and doubt on yourself. You are a great person full of potentials. If you believe that you can, you can reach whatever your dreams. Throw your unnecessary fear and have that positive mindset. Remember, you can if you say you can!

3. Go extra mile; maximize the time

You can never see any successful person who just sit around and wait for their turn. Every successful person did what is more than required. They have stretched themselves to get better result.

If you want to reach your goals, then don’t entertain negativity. Do activities everyday that will lead you to your goals. Set practical applications and keep your dreams and vision alive. Seal it on your heart and mind so you will have that motivation to accomplish your dreams

Don’t waste time. While you still have ample of time, maximize it to reach your goals. Be proactive and productive!

4. There are people who are looking for directions. Be the person to help them and bring out the best in them. Be compassionate!

Be a blessing. What is your greatest contribution on earth? For me, it is helping other people and being an instrument for them to reach their dreams and do their purpose of their lives.

There are a lot of broken people out there. People who are looking for answers, longing for something and finding their happiness. Be there to help them. Help them find their directions and teach them to dream bigger dreams  because you have the capacity to bless other people

5. Don’t lower your standard; be the example
Be the example. Be the change that you wanted to see. There are a lot of people who have decided to ruin their lives. To go on drugs, commit suicide and etc. Do not decide to be one of them. Be an inspiration for them. Help those who do not have life to get life. You will only live once so decide now to live it right.

6. When you hardly understand the situation, trust the Master Planner
Time will come when there will be unexpected twist and turns of your life. Things that are just out of your plan, far away from the things that you have expected. But just trust the Master Planner, He knows what He is doing. Trust Him because He got an amazing plans for you.

So as the year ends, it’s the right time to evaluate your life. What happened or what you have turned after 2014 is now your past. Forget every bad and mistake that you have made. Learn from it and don’t commit the same mistake. And whatever your successes are, forget it as well and achieve higher.

I’m sure you have also realization and lesson that you have gotten from 2014. Why not share it to other people as well?

A prosperous new year everyone!

Have an amaezing year everyone!

Her Amaezing 19 Years Of Journey

How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me? – Psalm 116:12

19 years of journey, God has never failed to amaze me with all the endless blessings, fruitfulness, and promotion He has provided to me. Even the challenges that I’d never thought I could triumph. Indeed, I’m born to conquer and triumph. I am victorious!

Cheers to my 19 years of productive and meaningful existence :)

Cheers to my 19 years of productive and meaningful existence 🙂

I have met amazing and great people who never get tired to correct, remind, rebuke and bring out the best in me. People who help to clear my eyes for the vision and to dream bigger dreams not just for myself but for others and for this nation.


My friend who sticks closer than a sister :)

My friend who sticks closer than a sister 🙂


My growing team who surprises me with their heartfelt messages.

My growing team who surprises me with their heartfelt messages.

Whatever I become now, it should all be credited to the Lord who keeps on touching my heart like no one does. And of course, to my leaders who never fail to believe on my capabilities even in times I’m doubting on myself.

My leader who continuously bringing out the best in me.

My leader who continuously bringing out the best in me.

From immaturity, to better and version 2.0 amae. If you want to know how hard my character before, just asked my highschool friends. They would laugh about it and tell all my crankiness and kalokohan.

Truly, everybody has the chance to change. Change is never difficult once you decided it. And change is never painful, once you get to know Him.

A very cute collage from my disciple :)

A very cute collage from my disciple 🙂

I’m thankful that at the young age, I was able to surrender my life to God because my life has now meaning  and my potentials were unleashed.


My team 🙂

Such an amazing surprise :)

Such an amazing surprise 🙂

That’s why, I dare to all young people to surrender your life to God. While you’re still young, use your strength and skills to glorify our God. It’s not too late. Don’t reject the invitation He has for you. For your life will only just start when you come to know Him.

I never regret accepting and serving Him. My life has now a purpose and mission to fulfill – to bless other people, make Him known to all nations of the earth, and to transform this nation.

Overjoyed with the love that I've been receiving from other people and of course from the Lord :) The best is yet to come. What an amazing journey :)

Overjoyed with the love that I’ve been receiving from other people and of course from the Lord 🙂 The best is yet to come. What an amazing journey 🙂

I'm contented but not satisfied! I want more! More amaezing challenges to conquer, more breakthrough, next level and promotion for 2015 :)

I’m contented but not satisfied! I want more! More amaezing challenges to conquer, more breakthrough, next level and promotion for 2015 🙂

To God be the glory!

Something New for New Year

Got my new hair to start a new year. Actually, the initial plan was just to trim my hair but my mom just suddenly pushed and asked the hairdresser to color my hair. I was declining and firm with my “no” decision but people around the salon really encouraged me  – even it doesn’t help at all to my decision – to color my hair. Everyone’s claiming that I’m already in college so I need to try a new look.  I was just smiling to them and still declining their offer. However, it all ends with my mom. My mom wins so I got this new look. 





I don’t know if this look suits me at all. I’m kinda nervous next year to whatever comment I’ll be receiving from my “bully” friends and classmates, still preparing my heart for it haha. Glad, I’m offense proof. hihi

Welcome new year with a bang. haha. God bless everyone 🙂


Out of nowhere, in the middle of the night, my mind just suddenly compelled me to watch my high school videos. Watching those videos really brought me back to that moment, remembering funny situations that happened that time. I can’t stop bursting out my loud growl of laughter which made my mom curious and gave her very own quizzical stare.

But this post is not about how I enjoyed watching the videos, it’s all about how it conveyed quick realization to end this 2013. Sadly, as much as I’d like to show,  the said videos can only be viewed with my friends in facebook due to its privacy setting. Anyhow, I can still show you the pictures of my High School days (Ready your heart, don’t tell me you have not been warned.hihi)

I was like an innocent kid back then 🙂

Let the picture speaks. This is my shortest hair ever. 🙂

TIME CAN NEVER BE TAKEN BACK. Time as quick as it passes by always provides life lesson on us. No matter how small or how petty we think it is, those moral has helped the way we face our own battle in life.


Watching the video made by my friend when I turned 16 just suddenly brought back all those pieces of memories that made my high school life a good story to share. It reminded my personal reasons why I’d never think of exchanging my high school memories to someone or something. Those were the days that the only problems I could hardly solve were math problems. Those were the days that I would spend my day just laughing and enjoying my friends’ company  since our regular school day would end from seven in the morning till four in the afternoon.

Life has just its own phase. I’ve gone through the phase where life’s challenges were so petty. (was there a so-called “petty challenge? haha) Done with all the “tweetums and playtime” days. And I’m now with – perhaps I can already say – life’s exciting challenges.

Now that I’m 18, at legal age, I can say that I’ve experienced more than math problems, more than derivatives, or law of motions so on. Problems get better and better; overcoming it is much more exciting.

To end this post, all I can say is that… WHAT A JOURNEY FOR THIS AMAEZING KID 🙂. (Can I still be considered a kid now that I’m 18? Kid at heart perhaps) 😀

For more challenges and blessings this 2014! I’ll be seeking for more, I know that the best is still yet to come. Cheers for the new year. God bless everyone! 🙂