Andreng’s 16th birthday

Finally, Andreng is already sweet . hahaha. Her birthday was the same with graduation of our school so after the grad we hurriedly went to glorietta. Oh i mean them hahaha coz I went home to change my clothes. But I was lucky coz I saw Kim chui during the olay’s event.

My bffs. from left-right. me, eka, andreng, elai, cox and veggie

Supposedly, it’s like a tropa night out but the news was easily spread out so it result to this. It so better with the whole gag of Unbeata-BOYLE. I enjoyed more.

*.* us . I was late but they manage to have my seat beside him. hihihi

with my tropa πŸ™‚

I like this shot. I became maputi πŸ™‚ hahaha. I even use this one as my display picture in facebook.

Supposedly. it was a jump shot but i think everybody wasn’t ready except for daddy sac. Β look at him at the middle. His pose was cute πŸ™‚

the birthday celebrator

went home pass 10 o’clock in the evening yet wasn’t scolded. Common its a birthday celebration so i think it’s expected . hahaha

unbeata-BOYLE forever β™₯

As the school year ends, my junior life ends. Β Being sentimental again 😦 . I’m going to miss my unbeata-BOYLE family. though we’re going to see each other next school year, It’s kinda sad seeing that we’re not complete and others were going to be in the second section.

This is our adviser, MamiLana :)) Enjoying our last moment as junior and as unbeata-BOYLE πŸ™‚

This is how I love Unbeata-BOYLE πŸ™‚

All of our names were written on the Board. Look for my name :)))

Apparently, that was written on the board. hahaha

My tropa. I’m going to miss them 😐 just for summer. hahaha

I’m going to miss him too. hihihi. Hope he would not see it :)))

next year is my final year in high school. I’m senior na. huhuhu!! I still don’t wanna Β enter in college coz I’m still freakin enjoying my high school year. These are the people who made my junior year Β momentous. From the bottom of my heart, thank you and i love you all

summer getaway :)

Finally, got the courage to upload the photos taken last last week. This was my first getaway this summer. I’m with my girlfriends. As usual, I had Fun πŸ™‚

Noticeably, I just define the wordΒ ENJOYMENT :))) Jump shot with my girlfriend Elai. At first, I was really really scared to jump. But as I tried my first jump, oh I conceived that it was cool and fun :)) hihi. I think this photo was taken when my other friends finally surrendered from jumping. hahaha.

I’m with my other girl Cox and Eka. That was full size of the pool. rawr :))

15 is a significant number for me. It’s my birthday :)))

taken from second floor of the house by fads πŸ™‚

to introduce, this is ate grace, bianca’s Gorgeous sister. Β oh well! She’s really exquisite yet humble and benevolent. I wish I Could be as white as her. hahaha :))

Cox, my super bewitching best friend. Oh look at right side of the photo, that’s me. That’s how fascinated I am with Nutella. hahaha

hahaha. this is andreng, my other bff. I was the last one to take the shower. It’s already 3 o’clock in the morning so they decided to sleep. It was funny that andreng is so asleep with that face. hahaha. So i hurriedly, get my camera to take a shot with that pose and luckily, she was not even bother with the flash of my camera. hahaha. Peace πŸ™‚

Karma i think? hahaha. This photo was taken by elai. But i was still lucky because its not that funny compared to andreng’s photo. hahaha. But on the Β second attempt of elai, she failed because I was already awake so she refuse to take another. πŸ™‚

I had the best time with them. Wishing that there would be another :)) Thanks to bianca’s family for inviting us to come πŸ™‚ The place was really great. Facilities are complete from room up to entertainment πŸ™‚ Kudos to the owner πŸ™‚

There are so many people out there who will tell you that you can’t. What you’ve got to do is turn around and say ‘watch me’. This lady is a writer wannabe. She would love to work on a media production. She’s also looking forward to see her name as the author of a book. Perhaps a far-fetched dream but this girl can dream. I’m amae, 15 years old.

livejournal, what the hell happen to you?

I’m about to cry right now, I can’t open my livejournal account which is very predominant in my life. Infact, I consider it as part of my life. It has been my secret blog from the start that’s why I am being sentimental right now. Well, perhaps you’re curious why I made it as my secret or private blog, it’s because I really learned from my experience before. hahaha. Oh, Past is past. I really don’t want to remember it. I think, its just part of my immaturity. hahaha

Oh back to my livejournal. here’s the photo. that’s the thing I saw whenever I enter on the address bar .
I don’t really remember any violations that I did. I  did nothing. Hopefully, livejournal has the problem not with my account. 😦

Hoping that tomorrow, it would be fix.

new strings please.

I badly need new strings for my guitar coz it really sounds so creepy. What’s more the sad thing there is that I would never get the idea that it sounds creepy if my kuya never noticed it. hahaha. But i badly need it. As far as I know, a set of strings cost 200php but sad to say I don’t have any savings this summer so perhaps I’m gonna buy my new strings when the school year starts. sad part for me 😐 .I wanna play more more songs on my guitar but how could it be, if it’s not in tune? pathetic self 😐

and i give up.

After I tried to apply for two summer jobs, finally I give up. It just the matter that I need to focus on my upcat review as well as my math tutorials. Another is that I’m still on my young age to work though I want to earn. Besides my parents suggested to prioritize my review than working to.

funny moment :)

hahaha. It’s really an embarrassing moment for me. My stupidity results to a shameful moment hahaha. I have two mrt tickets on my bag. The one is the recent and the other is way from andreng’s birthday. okay I’ll tell you na. My friend who bought the ticket accidentally told buendia instead of taft so as we got at taft. we went to the booth to adjust our fare. i accidentally gave the expired ticket. I forgot the recent ticket. so as a result. I paid 15php for a lost ticket . I was so tanga kase i found out that its on my plastic . and sadly i can no longer refund the 15php . I dont have enough money so i walk to get into our house.

What an experience :D

Oh well. I had a great great da. I have just experienced how to be an applicant. And yes, it’s a cool experience. We went to DepEd at pasig ro apply for a summer Job. Though it’s quite far from our house, we still manage to go there because we badly need an extra compensation. Hahaha. Kidding Aside. But it’s really really fun and what’s the funniest thing we did is when we went back to shaw boulevard with the use of our feet. Oh i mean, we walked from DepEd up to Shaw boulevard. Quite amazing ? hahaha. But it’s really normal for us that’s how we fathom our money. We really really Value the money which are given by our parent that’s why I wanna earn an income coming from my Hard works. I think it’ll help me also to be an indenpent person as well as value more each money that was given to me. bow.