Nicholas Sparks ♥

With all his great masterpiece, sparks never failed to uplift my spirit every time I finished his novels. Well among his novel, I’ve read A walk to remember, Message in a bottle, Dear john, Bend in the Road and The notebook. Next to my goals are The lucky one and The guardian. It’s like a stereotype for every sparks’ fan that after one finished novel, you’ll urge to read another one by him. I guess because that’s what I’ve experienced right now. Honestly, my goal is to read all his works although I don’t own any sparks’ novel. I’ve been surviving for just borrowing for my classmates. So you can conclude that I’m the poorest bookworm. I just can buy books from book sale which are second hand and which cost a little less than 100. haha.

so this is the first novel I’ve read by him. Well, If you watch the movie you can attest then that this is something worth watching and of course, worth reading. Book is always better than the movie.

you know, never ever judge the book by its cover. literally, this is what I’ve done after looking at the cover of bend in the road. I thought that it’s like the one that would give me a little grogginess but I was so wrong. You’ll be flabbergasted after reading this. Super intelligent ending. Kudos sparks!

So far this is the most tragic ending I’ve read among the others. Sometimes true love means letting go your happiness 😦 and this novel attest that statement.

The recent book that I’ve finished. I blame my classmate for accidentally giving me a hint for the ending. So I wasn’t that surprised when i reached the last chapter. But this is so so definitely sparks’ masterpiece.

I’m really into sparks I love his novel and looking forward to finished my next books to borrowed from my classmates; the lucky one and the guardian. some of his movies were converted into major motion picture. Sparks is ♥


back to the world

Excuse for the longest hiatus that I’ve made but please blame on our internet connection at home plus the hectic sched of a senior student.
lately, a lot of things happened unexpectedly. Away from my expectations which made my heart do the weird up and down motion. So I can’t brag everything because probably, chances are, some of my classmates/friends might visit this site.
Because I Miss blogging, I’ll try to post as much as I can today. By the way, its my bff special today, its her sweet sixteen. I made something special for her but its not quite good as compared for what I did before for my other friends (a little appreciation will do). Maybe the culprit is for the procrastination that I made with a little grogginess yesterday

here’s the photo of my bff. You know, you have to admit that she really has a mirror image with kitchie. left is she and right is kitchie

another picture of her, gorgeous right? 🙂

well she has been my best friend since elementary. We’ve gone through myriad of commotion and everything that might lead to broken friendship. But we have overcome it. Right now, she still she and I’m super happy for her. I really love her from the bottom


A Walk to Remember

I haven’t been updating my blog so now I’m about to blog again 🙂 I’ve been so busy over these past few weeks and consider the fact that I’m kinda reviewing for UPCAT . GC much?
Anyway, I’m starting to love reading novels. Reading novel is not my hobby talaga and I really don’t know why I’m into it now. Perhaps because I have proven to myself that reading novel isn’t boring. Usually, it has been a stereotype that reading book is so boring.
At least you know, I’m still an apprentice. I watched A walk to remember from HBO last week and it definitely touched my heart. So i find reading the novel so interesting. The movie have cut and added some scenes and usually this is what the directors do to maximize the span of time. Because basically, If they didn’t cut some scenes, then they’ll definitely exceed the limited time needed to be aired. So I don’t have any negative thoughts about the movie though I’m more on the novel.
What I love the most with this novel, is landon as the narrator. Most often, woman is the ones narrating the novel but with a walk to remember it’s a guy. Of course the so so reason is Nicholas Spark is a guy. ok let’s end to that
For my notion, the turning point of movie is how jamie changed Landon a better man. I even remember the last line Landon said at the movie wherein he talked with Jamie’s father about the miracle. I forgot the exact line but I can still remember the thought. It goes like he told Jamie’s father that he was sad because there’s no miracle that happened but the reverent told there was and its you (pertaining to landon) .

P.S (anyway I’ll just continue it tomorrow it’s already 3 am and I need to sleep for I have some stuffs to do tomorrow. If my father caught me still awake, He’ll definitely reprimand me so to be away with that I need to sleep. I promise to continue coz I really love a walk to remember and it makes me cry whenever I conjures up some image about it) xx

Love your neighbors :)))

Yesterday, we spent our easter at Pangasinan. Specifically in Manaoag and San Fabian. Supposedly, Our trip should just be with the our family but one of our tenants heard about our plan of going to Pangasinan. She also wanted to go there so she suggested going there with the whole gag of our tenants including her. Then, they planned about having a mass at manaoag then right after beach at San Fabian. They also agreed of dividing the expenses. We rented a van going there and I was so surprised because it’s really huge.

I told you 🙂 the Van we rented.

Inside the van 🙂

We arrived there ahead of the first mass because our driver is so punctual. That was my first time to attend the first and earliest mass. After the mass, We immediately hurried to go at the “pahawak”, ahmm. (For those who doesn’t know, you’ll be given a chance to hold or touch to Mother Mary’s Miraculous statue.) There was a long line and it took us an hour to be there.

the long line

myeal seems so weary

After our mass at manaoag, We went to San Fabian for our beach party. I was so burned out so I slept too long. When I woke up, felt so depressed of missing the chance to ride the boat. Almost everybody was not in the cottage when I woke up. So I decided to just take a photos of myself from our camera. Sadly due to my vanity, I broke our cam. The lens was stuck up. but still so happy because I was not reprimanded by my parents and my kuya even defended me for that.

Proof. haha 🙂 I totally looked tired and wasted. 🙂

Missed the chance! 😐

I swam when there’s no longer sunlight that can harm my skin. haha. I’m so conscious of getting darker. Though, it’s not a white-sand beach which I though it was because of what google has said, I still appreciate it for it has a huge and nice wave that it can considered as a good surfing site. I veritably enjoyed the striking waves. swear 🙂

The reason why our camera lens was stuck up hehe

With the cute dog 🙂

With my family

Going back home, we faced a stressful traffic but was lucky that our driver is so sagacious. Though he beat the trafiic rules, i find it cool. He’s so ma-diskarte although I was a bit scared.
Nonetheless, an extraordinary escapade with the neighbors. Our first and of course would not be our last. Thank you Lord for the gathering. Learn to love your neighbors xoxo♥

Kamay ni Hesus

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to go in Kamay ni Hesus at Lucban, Quezon. I wasn’t veritably expecting that it was going to be a long trekked. Actually, I thought that it would only take us about 2 hrs to be there, but surprisingly I was wrong. It took us about 4 hours to be there but nonetheless, it was fulfilling and glorifying experience.

When we were in the vicinity, we parked 500 meters ( I assume) away from Kamay ni Hesus because there are actually lots of devotees who went there too. So off course we walked through out from the parking lot up to Kamay ni Hesus

This is the view of our parking lot.

My auntie and my mom looking stress free?!? 🙂 while preparing to go at Kamay ni Hesus

My cute and sweet niece Myeal seems excited to go at Kamay ni Hesus

with my cousin. Preparing to go

When we were there, we got surprised when the staff told us that there’s a line to be followed. At first, we just ignored that announcement then after a while we realized that there’s actually a line to be followed.

The line to be followed. Actually, it’s from the gate up to the grotto. It took us more or less 4 hours to be there at grotto. But its fulfilling finishing that long line. It’s an ample sacrifice indeed yet our experience can never be compared to what our Lord Jesus Christ did just to save us.

View from our line.

While we were in the line.

My cousin and I had a problem with what we wear. Basically naman There’s a dress code to be followed in church. I thought that what I wear is allowed but later on I conceived that I’m wearing A sleeveless top. While my cousin is wearing a short so absolutely we’re not allowed to enter to the grotto proper. My cousin was noticed by the stuff and told her that she couldn’t go to the grotto because of what she wear. But While we were on the line, I was really praying to the Lord to let me Please enter to Grotto as well as my Cousin. I even put towels to my shoulders so that they won’t notice what I’m wearing. On the other hand, My cousin use the jacket of his boyfriend to cover her legs. Fortunately, It rained so hard and I veritably felt like that the Lord answered my Prayer. I was so overjoyed that the Lord heard my Prayer. It rained then so the staffs didn’t notice us.

This is what I wear. Due to my sleeveless top, I was not about to make it in the grotto but lucky i did.

looked at my hands. Those are the towels I use to cover my sleeveless top.

My cousin whose wearing a short.

my cousin with her Boyfriend. looked at how she intelligently use the jacket of his boyfriend. hihi 🙂

the start of our walked. So i have taken photos while we were on the grotto proper

while escalading to the top of the grotto.

mama and me 🙂

after so many steps, finally we were on the top 🙂

The view from the top

going back, my niece myeal seems so irritated and tired so she doesn’t want to walk and my mom carry her. While mom was carrying myeal, she’s like losyang na. haha

but after that, she saw several statues of animals that made her happy and energetic again.

me 🙂

Way back home, it took us about 5 hours due to stressful traffic. But after all, It’s a glorious experience that I’ll surely never forget. Thank you Lord. xoxo 😀

What is Maundy Thursday?

Admit it or not, Some people whose having their penitence today doesn’t really exactly know the idea of Maundy Thursday. It’s kinda heavyhearted for me seeing those people who seems unaware on what is veritably going on.

So let me tell you what is Maundy Thursday.
Maundy Thursday is when before Jesus Christ was Crucified on the cross. It is also called Holy thusday and the beginning of the three-day celebration of Easter. During Maundy Thursday, Filipinos are used to fasting as well as refraining from eating meats and drinking alcoholic beverages.
The word ‘Maundy’ is derived from the Latin word “mandatum”, meaning a commandment.

Absolutely, Its more fulfilling to do our penance this holy week if we fathom enough the genuine meaning of it which is the sacrifices and miracles of our Lord Savior.
If you are still clueless on what is Maundy Thursday, I urge you to click the following links below so that you can cultivate you idea of it :

Kamay ni Hesus

We’re going to Kamay ni Jesus at Lucban, Quezon tomorrow. I am indeed excited because i haven’t been there.

So basically, I searched it on google. The following are the informations I got from google (just few)

*The shrine is located on the slopes of Mt. Banahaw, Barangay Tinamnan, Lucban, Quezon.
* Its church celebrates healing masses everyday at 10am
* It has 292 steps.

As I googled it, woah! I was really astounded and astonished on its Architecture. It really looks God’s home.

After that glorious experience, I’ll immediately blog about it here. So I need to go on my bed now because I’m going to wake up so early tomorrow. Before sunrise, My body should be already awake. Goodnight 😀


Another weary day for me. What to do now? I got bored so I just took the camera then click and this is the result 🙂 Excuse for my face 🙂 hihi

Letter B itself has a significance in my life. I assume that my girlfriends know it.

Glad that we’re going out tomorrow 🙂


As everybody most notably teenagers and young-adults loves to go clubbin, Everyone seems interested to learn how to Dougie. Actually, I wanna learn it too. haha 🙂

Dougie as define by derives from the name of 80’s early 90’s Hip Hopper Doug-E- Fresh. The term “dougie” means to have a cool or hip stlye.

I have seen lots of videos on youtube showing how to Dougie

These are just the few videos that I already watched on youtube.

Glee teaches us how to Dougie. This video is just a proof of how everyone is so fascinated and interested in
Dougie-ing. As a matter of fact, It already hit in over 3 million plus views

Another video I’ve watched is by Cali Swag District. It beats the video which I posted above as it hit with 6 million plus views.

If i have just given the talent to dance, I would have show you how to Dougie. But forgive me, dancing is not my dexterity. hihi 🙂

All by Myself Of Charice Pempengco on Glee

Charice Pempengco is once again back to the spotlight as Sunshine Corazon in the Famous American TV series Glee.

She’s definitely back after the first episode of the show wherein she sang Telephone with Lea Michelle and Listen by Beyonce. After giving us a Goosebumps for her excellent performance in  episode 1,  she’s now giving us again another notable performance by singing All by Myself of Celine Dion.

As Charice gracefully showed her talent to the world, I am indeed proud of her. Despite of undesirable circumstances that are happening in the Philippine (my country), There are still lot of things to be proud of.  Charice just show to the other nation that Philippines is not just a nation of Knavish government officials, place of criminals and drug addicts (which is always reported by foreign news) but a nation of talented and well-rounded people.

Charice on Episode 17 A night Of Neglect wherein she sang all by myself by Celine Dion. Over and over, She gave me a goosebumps 😀 hahaha

Kudos Charice 🙂