Nomination and Realization #bloggys2015


I just made a Facebook status recently about my nomination on the Philippine Blogging Awards #bloggys2015 and I was flabbergasted  how people reacted. Mainly because their comments sound like I’ve already won. (Why not? Nothing is impossible at all.)

Thanks to an unending support from my friends. I just felt that I won already. :)

Thanks to the unending support from my friends. I just felt that I  already won . 🙂

Looking at the #bloggys2005 Hall of Fame under my category personal/diary, I found out that I was up against established bloggers (Feeling underdog here. hihi) But no matter what, I will be attending the most awaited #bloggys2005 gala night on November 21 at SMX, SM Aura.  See you there!

I was also reminded by a very good friend as we chatted after reading my Facebook status that I’ve been running my blog for so long, “2011 pa pala blog mo” she noted. And that comment made me nostalgic for awhile. (quite dramatic. hihi)

Flashback when I started blogging, I think blogging doesn’t ring a bell yet that time. It was actually my personal diary composed of rants, complaints, and all negativity surrounding me. If you will spend your time stalking my blog back 2011, you will see what I mean. 

But turn 2015, my blogging life has blossomed. No more maligning or freaking post whatsoever. It already found its voice and purpose. 

So what blogging has taught me? 

  1. Keep your passion burning
    When all else fades and time limits you to do things, the fire flaming in your heart will push and motivate you to put an extra mile. Being skillful isn’t enough, you have to have that burning passion and the answer to why so that in the end you won’t return empty and meaningless.
  2. Find your voice and have an advocacy

    I am here to inspire and do AMAEzing things 🙂

    There should be meaning in everything that you are doing no matter how small it is. Your writings are useless if you don’t challenge and influence someone to do something, and if people don’t get affected on it. You have to make sure that your message that you want to send was received by your readers.

  3. Meeting new people is priceless

    I met my cyber mom/co-blogger all the way from London through blogging. Here is the Christmas letter she sent to me a year ago. Sweet 🙂

    Meeting new people 🙂

    What’s more fun and wonderful than meeting new people? You’ve got to learn from their experience and they will help you contemplate on life and other matters. Usually, I come to meet people older than me. Their experience are beyond what I have that’s why their pieces of advice are such treasure to keep. Perhaps this is the reason why people tend to tell me that I have an old soul. 

  4. Your life itself is a blog worth sharing
    Tell your stories. Some people tend to look for other stories to inspire others where in fact their life itself is already worth sharing. You may feel that your story isn’t worth sharing, but trust me, you will never know who you are inspiring. 
  5. Love and enjoy what you are doing
    When you love and enjoy what you are doing, it will always manifest on the product/result. Don’t do something just because a lot of people are doing it or just because it is the trend. Do something out of love and conviction. 

I won’t maintain something for more than four years if I don’t love and enjoy it. Blogging has taught me a lot and I love it. So to all who are reading this post, I encourage you to find your passion as well and inspire other people. If you found it already, then congratulations! Hone it and share it. 

13 thoughts on “Nomination and Realization #bloggys2015

  1. Found your blog on Bloggys. What I’ve learned is that there’s so much Filipinos pala who are currently blogging. Akala ko hindi uso sa Pilipinas. Haha. Keep on blogging Amae. Hope to see you on the event.

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